DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: HAGATH (soaks in the afterglow) A perfect replica. It even pulls a little to the right, just like the real ones. Quark smiles and smoothly takes it out of Hagath's hands, before he thinks of firing it again. Quark returns the weapon to its pedestal. QUARK These are the finest holosuites in the sector. HAGATH I believe it. (to Gaila) Remember when we sold one hundred fifty thousand of these to the Manchovites? GAILA (grins) And we sold another one hundred thousand to the other side? Now that was a beautiful little war. HAGATH Too bad about the armistice. GAILA Well, all good things must come to an end. QUARK You sell weapons to opposing sides? HAGATH On occasion. But it's very dangerous. If either side realizes what you're doing, it could be very unpleasant. GAILA But as they say... "The riskier the road, the greater the profit." HAGATH True. (surveying the Holosuite) I'm glad I came. This solves a lot of our problems.