DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT FOUR 56A. 46 CONTINUED: ODO Go on. IDANIAN #2 Where's Arissa, is she safe? Odo eyes him warily -- ODO You know her? IDANIAN #2 Better than she knows herself. ODO What does that mean? The Idanian sees he's going to have to give Odo some information, and he gives it as if there's no time to waste. IDANIAN #2 She's not who she seems to be. She's an intelligence agent with my government. She was sent to infiltrate Draim's organization. Odo is stunned... he can't believe what he's hearing ODO That's impossible. She would've told me... IDANIAN #2 She doesn't know. ODO I don't understand. The Idanian quickly gives Odo the information he thinks he needs to know. IDANIAN #2 We gave her a new identity before we sent her in. All her previous memories were removed and stored on the datacrystal. The Idanian can see that Odo's mind is reeling -- IDANIAN #2 If you take me to her, I'll explain the rest. off Odo's face as he tries to process all he's been told...