DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT FOUR 52. 38 CONTINUED: Without turning to him, Dax holds up a finger so she can finish. KIRA What makes you say that? DAX Instinct. WORF Jadzia -- DAX What? WORF You asked to be told when the sensor array became available. DAX Thank you. (to Kira) Odo and a woman -- it was bound to happen sooner or later, right? KIRA I suppose. WORF You can begin your experiment at any time. DAX I'm talking to Kira. WORF You are not talking, you are gossiping. And besides, Odo is capable of taking care of himself. Worf realizes he just let on not only that he was listening, but that he has an opinion about the situation. Dax shoots a look toward a couple of SUPERNUMERARIES at another station. DAX Don't shout across the room, if you want to gossip with us, come over here.