62:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 ACT THREE 41. 30A CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (Cont'd) You didn't come here to talk about women. (off Odo's reaction) Did you? Odo looks so embarrassed, Bashir realizes -- BASHIR Oh. This is about "bedroom eyes," isn't it? Odo reacts ODO Who told you about her? Kira? BASHIR No. ODO (sure of it) Dax. BASHIR Actually it was Miles. Odo can't believe it. He reaches for the door handle to get out, but Bashir stops him, cuts to the chase. BASHIR If people are talking, it's only because they care. You put on a good front, but anyone who really knows you can see that you're lonely. This stops Odo in his tracks... BASHIR If you're interested in this woman, you have to let her know. Odo looks down, conflicted. ODO I can't... BASHIR Why not? ODO What if I... what if she...