DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT ONE 14. 12 INT. SECURITY OFFICE as Odo ENTERS and stops short at what he sees. 13 NEW ANGLE to reveal Arissa and a Deputy. She musters a wry smile... ARISSA Hello, again. The Deputy reacts to the fact that she seems to know Odo, glances at his boss. Odo covers his reaction, is all business. ODO (to Deputy) What's this all about? The Deputy hands him a PADD -- Odo glances at it, indicates that the Deputy can leave. ODO You tried to break into the station's computer. Why? ARISSA My friend never showed up last night. I wanted to check the passenger manifests to find out if he came aboard. ODO Why didn't you come to me? I could've checked the manifests for you. ARISSA When you grow up on Finnea Prime, you learn not to trust policemen. She reaches up and touches something at the back of her neck, almost as if something there was giving her a mild but persistent pain. ODO Dataport bothering you? Arissa pulls her hair aside...