DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT ONE 12. 9 CONTINUED: (2)- ODO She thought I was... trying to seduce her. (off her look) It was all just a misunderstanding. KIRA (skeptical) If you say so. (beat) Are you going to see her again? ODO I have no idea. Why? KIRA She's obviously very perceptive. ODO Meaning what? KIRA (smiles) Meaning you should see her again. And with that, Kira turns away, and moves to join an N.D. Odo -- part pleased, part flustered -- turns to give his reflection another look. 10 INT. PROMENADE as Odo makes his way toward his office. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Odo pauses outside Quark's, glances over toward the door, and considers for a beat. 11 INT. QUARK'S as Odo ENTERS and takes a look around. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. He scans the room for Arissa, but doesn't see her anywhere. Quark spots him -- QUARK She came in this morning as soon as I opened, stayed for about an hour and left.