152:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: TRAIDY Yes, you do. (to Sorm) Well? SORM (off scanner) It's not here. TRAIDY That's not good. Traidy looks down at the Idanian for a beat, turns to his colleague. TRAIDY Is it possible we've got the wrong man? SORM It's starting to look that way. TRAIDY This is very embarrassing. As the Idanian struggles to his feet, Traidy knees him viciously in the head, sending him sprawling. His attitude changes, he becomes all business -- cold. TRAIDY Listen to me. We know why you're here, we know who you came to meet, and we know what you were going to give her. So for the last time, where is it? The Idanian shakes off the cobwebs... surreptitiously slips his weapon from his sleeve... IDANIAN All right... I'll take you to it. TRAIDY (to Sorm) See, it was him all along. As he turns to the Finneans, the Idanian raises the weapon to take aim, but Sorm is faster -- he quickly pulls a small WEAPON and VAPORIZES the Idanian.