119:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT FIVE 60. 58 CONTINUED: (2) ROM Wait. ZIMMERMAN We heard you the first time. ROM Leeta. Don't go. LEETA Why? ROM Because.... because I love you. And I want you to stay. Leeta smiles at him and drops her bag to the ground. LEETA I love you too, Rom. Then she gives him a kiss that curls his toes. She breaks the kiss and turns back to Zimmerman. LEET Oh. Doctor... I'm sorry... ZIMMERMAN No. Don't be. True love should always win. I'm happy for you. Really. But he doesn't look that happy and Leeta tries to make him feel better. LEETA You're a sweet, wonderful, and brilliant man... there's someone out there for you, Doctor. I know it. ZIMMERMAN I don't think so. Perhaps I'm better suited to a life of solitary research... But even as he says the words, a drop-dead beautiful ALIEN WOMAN passes by and heads into the airlock. Zimmerman immediately notes her and his last words to Leeta are said while he's watching this new arrival.