DEEP SPACE NINE: "Doctor Bashir... " - REV. 1/6/97 - ACT TWO 23. 27 ROM'S POV Zimmerman and Leeta are having dinner on the Second Level and seem to be having a good time. 28 RESUME ROM Who can't believe what he's seeing. He takes a beat, glances around to make sure no one's watching him... and then puts a hand to one ear and begins to BEND his ear slightly -- tuning his Ferengi hearing. And as he does, we cut to a... 29 MOVING POV which begins moving through the crowd at Quark's, heading up toward Leeta and Zimmerman. As the shot moves, we HEAR snatches of different conversations in the room -- literally hearing what Rom hears as he "tunes" his ear. CROWD (VARIOUS) Hate to be a bother, but... never thought you'd like... could I get... Dabo!... don't know how he gets away with it... so I said... 30 RESUME ROM As he tunes his ear further... 31 MOVING POV Which is now moving up to the Second Level... CROWD (VARIOUS) Really don't know how he can get away with serving food like this... I hear the Jem'Hadar were sighted on... Musilla Province is so beautiful this time of... 32 RESUME ROM Still tuning his ear... 33 MOVING POV finally settles in on Zimmerman and Leeta.