131:[2,#b],152:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/91/96 - ACT FOUR 48. 45 CONTINUED: SILARAN'S VOICE A creature born within the comforting anonymity of darkness, awakens in the harsh truth of daylight. It squirms in the glare, afraid of the light that pins it to the chair like a needle through its heart. KIRA Who's there? Silaran, is that you? SILARAN'S VOICE Its heart beats faster as panic starts to creep into its soul. Does it understand? Or is it so blinded by the light that it can think only of returning to the velvet cloak of darkness? No matter. Perhaps it is better that it never realizes how close death has come. But make no mistake there is no escape. It has reached the end, and soon it will die. Kira looks about the room, starting to realize just how desperate her situation is. Off her face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR