DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 44 INT. SILARAN'S HOUSE (OPTICAL) Kira MATERIALIZES in the middle of a dark living area in a home fashioned out of a large cargo container. There's a window through which we can see only dust perpetually whipping up against the container by the faintly howling wind outside. The cargo container is lined with shelves which are filled with devices and gadgets of every description. Computer equipment and consoles are littered through the room and there's a work table against one wall. The comfort level here is minimal. Kira looks around cautiously, her phaser in one hand and a tricorder in the other. She scans the room for a moment. Keeping one eye out for anything that moves, she sets the tricorder down and begins working one of the computers in the room. Suddenly a large N.D. Cardassian jumps out of the shadows. Kira's instincts are faster, however, and she whirls and FIRES her phaser. But the phaser beam GOES RIGHT THROUGH him and his image FLICKERS for a moment -- he's a hologram! Kira reacts, realizes just too late what happened and then she's HIT by another PHASER SHOT from o.s. She slumps unconscious. As Kira lies on the floor, the form of another Cardassian steps into view and looms ominously over her helpless form. CUT TO: 45 INT. SILARAN'S HOUSE (OPTICAL) A few minutes later. Kira is being eased back into a chair in the middle of the room by someone o.s. (She's still wearing her uniform). The chair is lit by a pool of light in the otherwise pitch black room. Once she's in place, a RESTRAINING FIELD FLASHES ON over her body. The field will prevent her from moving anything below the neck. A Cardassian HAND comes into frame and applies a hypo to her throat. In response, Kira slowly comes awake... it takes a moment to reorient herself. She tries to move, but can't. After a beat, she suddenly hears the VOICE of Silaran somewhere in the darkened room.