DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 37 CONTINUED: (4) ODO I'm going to find the person that's done this, Major... I promise you that. KIRA I know you will, Odo. She smiles at him and takes his hand. KIRA Keep me informed? ODO Absolutely. She closes her eyes as if weary and then Odo EXITS. 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As soon as he's out of the room, Kira sits up and jumps off the table. She moves to a computer console and works it for a moment. COMPUTER VOICE Emergency transport standing by. Enter command code authorization. KIRA (to com) Authorization Kira one-five-seven alpha. COMPUTER VOICE Initiating transport. Kira DEMATERIALIZES. 39 INT. SECURITY OFFICE (OPTICAL) Kira MATERIALIZES in the empty office. She looks around quickly, glances out onto the busy Promenade and then sits behind the desk, grabs a PADD and begins rapidly working both it and the computer console. Her fingers fly over the controls, and we see computer graphics and text race by on the screen in response to her commands. After a moment, she seems to get what she came for... she looks at the PADD with grim triumph and then she SHUTS DOWN Odo's computer.