DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 37 CONTINUED: (3) ODO My sources on Cardassia have given me a list of possible suspects. All of them have the computer skills, the opportunity and the motive for carrying out these attacks. KIRA You must've had to call in some pretty big favors. ODO (understating the case) One or two. KIRA How many people are on the list now? ODO Twenty-five. Kira's interest is piqued. KIRA Can I see it? ODO (hesitates) Not just yet. I'd like to narrow it a little further. KIRA (ruefu1) Afraid I'll take the names and go charging out after them? ODO Something like that. She seems to give up and looks a little tired suddenly. KIRA You're right. I probably would.