DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Darkness... " - REV. 11/01/96 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: There's a beat and then a Bajoran woman named TRENTIN FALA APPEARS on the screen. Fala is a soft-spoken fifty-something Bajoran woman who's calling from her home. She's petite and looks fragile, and at the moment, she's very scared. FALA Nerys? Is that really you? KIRA (surprised) Fala? FALA Are you alone? I don't want anyone to hear me. I think... I think someone's trying to trace my signal. KIRA Stand by. Kira taps the control again and Fala's image is replaced by the station logo. KIRA (to Sisko) She's a friend. Her name's Trentin Fala. SISKO One of the members of your cell? KIRA No. ODO Then why is she hiding her location? KIRA (glances around) I'd rather not talk about it here. But trust me, she's no threat to anyone. Let me talk to her alone and see what's going on. Sisko nods and Kira moves to another monitor at the Engineering station where she can have a little privacy.