DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT THREE 35. 41 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I told you held be here. Off the admiral's face as he moves to investigate -- 42 INT. PROMENADE Sisko, surrounded by the Bajorans, accepting their thanks and good wishes in a way we've never seen before. He's not embarrassed or uncomfortable with their reverence -- he simply takes it in with serene humility. AD HOC: "Emissary," "Thank you," "Bless you." As Sisko moves through the crowd, his attention is suddenly drawn to an older BAJORAN COUPLE, who are standing to one side. Sisko steps over to them. The crowd falls silent as he speaks to them: SISKO There's no need to worry. The couple react -- some burden is weighing on both their minds. SISKO The katterpod harvest will be much better this year. We can see the burden lifting from their shoulders -- they believe him. Sisko turns to someone else in the crowd, smiles, and touches him on the shoulders. SISKO You don't belong here. Go home. The Bajoran nods as if this answers a question that's been much on his mind. He EXITS. As Bashir and Whatley approach Sisko, Sisko is suddenly hit by a blinding headache that sends him staggering. BASHIR Captain! Sisko struggles to a nearby bench as the admiral and Bashir rush over. WHATLEY What's wrong? Sisko struggles to clear his head. SISKO I'm fine.