DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 24. 28 CONTINUED: It takes Sisko a moment to recover. SISKO It's nothing. I'll be fine in a second. Julian said headaches might be a side effect of the accident. Kasidy's had enough; her concerns spill out. KASIDY What about obsessing over an ancient Bajoran city? Is that a side effect, too? SISKO You're being negative again. But now that the pain has passed, Sisko gets right back on the hunt, looking at his tricorder. SISKO C'mon -- it's right around the bend. Kasidy, knowing there's nothing to be gained by arguing, shakes her head and falls in behind him. 29 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as they reach the end of the passageway, they shine their lights on the cave walls. There's nothing there but more sandstone. Kasidy looks to Sisko, expecting him to be crestfallen. But he's not disappointed. On the contrary, he seems to see something we don't... KASIDY What is it? SISKO It's B'hala. KASIDY Ben, it's a wall of stone. SISKO But what's behind the wall? He takes out his phaser, adjusts the setting and FIRES it at one of the sandstone walls.