DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT TWO 20. 24 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Not everyone. (a beat) Our culture has only had five short years to recover from the Occupation. Only five years of freedom. Hardly seems enough time, does it? KIRA Bajor will still be free. Joining the Federation won't change that. WINN I see working beside Captain Sisko all these years has had quite an influence on you. KIRA I have to give you credit. You never give up. (a beat) I'm sure the Emissary will consider everything you have to say. And then Bajor's admittance can go forward... unobstructed. Winn's not about to concede. WINN I await the will of the Prophets. Kira refrains from further comment as she contemplates: the Kai is a handful. 25 INT. HOLOSUITE The Obelisk looms over Sisko, who walks around it, thoughtfully examining the markings. There are PADDS scattered around the floor, along with four or five maps of Bajor, various sextant-like instruments, compasses, protractors, and a chart of the night sky of Bajor. Sisko reaches down and picks up the star chart, looks from it to the Obelisk, and then back to the chart. Suddenly he breaks into a wide, triumphant smile.