DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 12. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO It's about time. WHATLEY Congratulations, Ben. You've done a helluva job out there. SISKO Thank you. WHATLEY We're not the only ones who think so. The Bajorans requested that the signing ceremony take place on your station. So make sure you spruce up that floating bicycle wheel of yours. (smiling) Count on me and a lot of other brass showing up for this one, captain... or should I say admiral? That can't be far away once you have this feather in your cap. Sisko nods, smiling at the compliment. 20 INT. QUARK'S BAR Quark is standing amidst a happy Bajoran throng on the first level. He's looking up at TWO DABO GIRLS holding a rolled-up banner over the balcony, waiting for his cue. QUARK Computer, spotlight. A single beam of SPOTLIGHT shines on the two Dabo Girls. QUARK Drumroll. And as the computer PIPES IN the traditional DRUMROLL, Quark cues the Dabo Girls to unfurl the banner. Quark immediately turns to face WORF and Dax, wanting to see their reactions. WORF (reading the banner) Welcome Klingons.