DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 11. 18 CONTINUED: DAX'S COM VOICE Ops to Captain Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. DAX'S COM VOICE Sorry to disturb you, Benjamin. But I have Admiral Whatley calling from Starfleet Headquarters. Despite Sisko's preference to keep working, he knows he can't keep an Admiral waiting. SISKO I'll take it in here. Sisko puts down his instruments and takes a few steps over to the monitor in the Holosuite. 19 ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) as it comes to life with the image of ADMIRAL CHARLIE WHATLEY. The Admiral is "old-Navy" -- a strong-willed and seasoned veteran of many campaigns. He has intelligent, steel-hard eyes that don't miss much. WHATLEY Hello, Ben. SISKO Admiral. WHATLEY How've you been? SISKO Never better. WHATLEY Glad to hear it. I know you've been waiting for this news a long time. I'm glad to be the one who tells you. Sisko waits expectantly. WHATLEY Bajor's petition to join the Federation has been approved. Sisko breaks into a wide grin -- this is great news.