12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 14 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL ODO is hauling Quark down the corridor, gripping the Ferengi by the collarbone. QUARK But Odo -- you said yourself the Captain's all right. ODO Lucky for you. Quark can't believe the injustice being committed against him. QUARK Then why am I being arrested? I already told you it was an accident. A minor technical difficulty. You can't arrest somebody for a minor technical difficulty. ODO No, but I can arrest you for negligence. Your own records show your holosuites are in desperate need of maintenance. QUARK Which is what I've been telling Chief O'Brien for the past week. I begged him to have Rom repair them. But you know what he said? "Rom's too busy upgrading the sensor array." Can you believe that? Anyone can fix a sensor array. But no one can fix the holosuites like that idiot brother of mine. (an idea) So you see, if anyone should be arrested for negligence, it's Chief O'Brien. ODO Tell it to the magistrate.