11:[5,#b],17:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rapture" - REV. 10/23/96 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Rapture" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. WARDROOM CLOSE ON an ominous and eerie-looking stone Obelisk bathed in an unearthly light. WE SLOWLY PULL BACK, REVEALING various Bajorans in long, flowing robes, reverently surrounding the very tall and impressive slab. Behind them, a fountain. WE KEEP PULLING BACK to see that the Obelisk is in the middle of a kind of agora -- a town square of an ancient Bajoran city. DAX (O.S.) That's it? WE CONTINUE TO PULL BACK, finally revealing this to be a very detailed and "realistic" eighteen-by-twelve-inch painting on a weathered piece of parchment. SISKO (O.S.) That's it. The "City of B'hala," painted nearly twenty thousand years ago -- 2 WIDER to include SISKO, KIRA and DAX staring at the ancient painting which has been pulled out of its own elaborate shipping crate by TWO BAJORAN SECURITY AGENTS. Sisko eyes the painting with tremendous appreciation. DAX Hmm. Sisko and Kira exchange a look, taken aback by her "hmm." KIRA Jadzia -- you're looking at the most important Bajoran icon ever painted. The only known "proof" that B'hala actually existed, and all you have to say is "hmm"? DAX No, it's just that you both gave it such a build up that I thought it would be a lot...