112:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 63 CONTINUED: THRAX (chiding) There were only three terrorists, Odo. You know that. Odo turns again to see... 64 ODO'S POV - DUKAT stands by the balcony near the prisoners. DUKAT This the price of taking up arms against those who would protect you... who have only your best interests at heart... Dukat looks toward the guards, from whose ranks the Cardassian Soldier once again steps forward with military precision. 65 RESUME ODO He turns to Thrax, desperate to somehow end this. ODO They haven't done anything! they don't belong here! THRAX It's already happened, Odo. ODO But this isn't what happened, it wasn't these people... 66 ODO'S POV - SISKO The Soldier has stepped abreast of Sisko; now he draws a disruptor pistol from a holster... Sisko exchanges a look with Dax -- there's nothing either of them can do. 67 ODO Finally has to take action. He shoves Thrax out of the way and bolts for the Cardassian Soldier.