43:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 58 CONTINUED: (3) ODO You... know? Then what are you going to do about it? THRAX What I'm supposed to do; nothing more, nothing less. The question is, what will you do... Odo? Odo staggers back as if hit... he finally backs up against the wall and at that moment we... CUT TO: 59 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Suddenly Odo is standing on the second level. He looks around, and sees: 60 OMITTED 61 CARDASSIAN SOLDIERS are on the second level watching everything. 62 OUR PEOPLE Sisko, Dax and Garak are lined up on one of the crossover "bridges," their backs against the railing, and their hands bound. 63 ANGLE - CLOSE ON ODO His face reflecting his fear of what's about to happen... THRAX'S VOICE It's too late for them now. It's out of my hands. Odo jerks around to see Thrax standing next to him, coolly surveying Sisko and the others. ODO Why aren't I with them?