13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 56 INT. TEROK NOR - HOLDING CELL A few moments later. Dax is cradling her wounded arm as she sits on the floor. Odo is pacing like a caged animal while Sisko and Garak watch him closely. Neither of them knows what's going on here, but they both suspect that it has something to do with Odo. ODO We've got to find another way out of here. DAX We tried that. Escape doesn't seem to be the answer. SISKO How could Thrax be a changeling? In this time period, the Founders didn't know about the wormhole. ODO I don't know. GARAK Setting aside the newest Shape-shifter in town for the moment, how did we end up back in this cell? ODO I don't know. DAX Care to take a guess? ODO What makes you think I have the answers? SISKO You've been acting strangely ever since we first woke up on the Promenade. Continually distracted, depressed and agitated. GARAK You knew the names of the people we're supposed to be.