47:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT THREE 34. 43 NEW ANGLE Sisko and Garak turn at the sound of the spoon clanging on the metal to see Odo sitting there with a confused look on his face. The blood on his hands is gone. SISKO You all right? ODO (recovering) Yes. Just... slipped out of my hand. At this moment, Belar, the Bajoran who woke Sisko on the Promenade, takes a seat at their table. He has a bowl of soup and begins eating; he keeps his voice low and his eyes on the soup as he talks. BELAR (quiet) You wanted a meeting... Sisko and the others exchange glances -- Belar is with the Resistance. BELAR (annoyed) Don't look at me, eat your soup. They busy themselves with their bowls. Odo looks at his hands with some misgivings, unsure if the gore will reappear. SISKO (quiet) I didn't think you'd come while Dukat was here. BELAR Everyone's watching our gentle dictator stroll the Promenade with his new girlfriend. Now, I hate soup and I have no intention of eating this entire bowl, so whatever you want, let's hear it. SISKO We need to get off the station. BELAR Why? GARAK Does it matter?