143:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Things Past" - REV. 10/04/96 - ACT ONE 10. 13 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE GHETTO Sisko, Dax, Garak and Odo come to a stop near an abandoned kiosk which is run-down, and looks as though it's been looted recently. They lean against the service counter for a moment and huddle for a moment to gauge the situation. SISKO This is Terok Nor... D.S. Nine during the occupation. DAX Time travel? GARAK It's more than that. Our clothes have changed. ODO (desperate) Could we be in a holosuite? SISKO (to the air) Computer, end program. Nothing happens. SISKO Let's assume that's a no for the moment. Dax glances around for a moment at the Bajoran passersby who don't seem to notice them. She realizes something. DAX Benjamin... we're not attracting any attention. SISKO (onto what she's saying) And we should be. Sisko turns and looks. SISKO (continuing) Humans, Trills and changelings didn't just stroll through Terok Nor unnoticed. They all watch the crowd as it mills past them. Garak notices something.