DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 54. 79 CLOSE ON SISKO staying to the course, calm and controlled while the ship SHAKES ever more VIOLENTLY. The vibrating reaches a crescendo. Behind O'Brien, a console EXPLODES with a shower of SPARKS and Sisko is forced to make the inevitable decision. SISKO Disengage thrusters. Power down all systems. As the ship settles back and the VIBRATING stops, there's a moment of relative calm and quiet. It is a moment of undeniable defeat, made worse by ANOTHER EXPLOSION outside -- a grim reminder of their circumstances. After a beat, Sisko turns to O'Brien, who is examining the damaged console. SISKO How bad? O'BRIEN (downcast) The main power grid is completely fused and the structural integrity field has collapsed. But Sisko remains undeterred. SISKO We'll have to wait until the Defiant gets here. She can pull us out with her tractor beam. That gives us thirty-six hours to make repairs. Sisko grabs a tool. SISKO You all know what to do. The group breaks apart as they all move on to their tasks. 80 ON O'BRIEN as he steps over to Muniz and begins unstrapping him from the "brace."