DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 45. 65 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Any idea what? SISKO Could be anything. An encoding device... a guidance system... DAX Maybe she lost an earring. SISKO Whatever it is -- it's keeping us alive. (to Worf and Dax) Find it. Sisko knows that giving everybody a task is going to help them get through this. Worf and Dax EXIT as Sisko turns to O'Brien. SISKO Chief -- I need that weapon. O'BRIEN I still have to charge the emitter array. SISKO Stay on it. As O'Brien moves off, Sisko steps over to care for Muniz. DISSOLVE TO: 66 thru OMITTED 68 69 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Later. ANOTHER EXPLOSION shakes everything as O'Brien steps down from where he was working and walks over to Sisko. O'BRIEN You've got your weapon, sir. SISKO Nice work, Mister O'Brien. But O'Brien doesn't look pleased.