DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 65 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Captain -- I've managed to bypass the virtual display interface and hook up a tricorder to the ship's sensor array. (off the tricorder) Those are ultritium concussion shells they're detonating. Worf steps over to look at the readings. DAX Without shields, a direct hit will destroy us. WORF I don't believe they're trying to hit us. Their targeting systems can't be that ineffective. They're missing us on purpose. O'BRIEN They're trying to rattle us. ANOTHER EXPLOSION. SISKO And we're not going to let them. Sisko thinks,over their situation, trying to see a way out. SISKO The Vorta doesn't want the ship -- she wants something aboard it.