44:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 35. 55 CONTINUED: DAX It doesn't make sense. If he'd been carrying a rifle, O'Brien and I would be dead. But all he had was a knife. WORF And why send only one Jem'Hadar? Sisko looks around the ship for a moment, considering the possibilities. SISKO There's something about this ship... something so important they won't risk destroying it in a full-on assault. WORF If that's true, we need to find out what it is. DAX The first thing we need to do is make a structural scan of the ship... make our own blueprints. SISKO Get started. Worf and Dax head for the door. WORF It would be most efficient if we each began at opposite ends of the ship and met back in the middle. DAX (with a twinkle) I'll count the minutes we're apart. Worf and Dax EXIT. 56 NEW ANGLE Muniz lets out a painful GROAN. O'Brien is still attending to him. MUNIZ I'm leaking like a ruptured plasma conduit aren't I, sir?