DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT THREE 32. 49 CONTINUED: KILANA If you'll leave our ship, I'll take you and your crew back to your space station -- unharmed. Our accommodations may not be lavish, but I promise you'll all be well cared for... especially your wounded. (a beat) Now, that doesn't sound so bad, does it? SISKO If you think I'm going to deliver my people into your hands without a fight -- then this really must be your first mission. 50 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - COMMAND CENTER - DAY Muniz is still propped against the bulkhead, his eyes closed, resting. O'Brien has changed his dressing. O'Brien is still working on one of the upper consoles while Dax is looking at the VR headset. DAX I'd love to know how the Captain's doing. (re: the VR headset) Any chance of getting this working? O'BRIEN Not right away. I'm still trying to get the main power grid on-line Suddenly a NOISE from offscreen. DAX What was that?