DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 11. 17 CONTINUED: Some of the ship's systems have obviously been damaged in the crash -- a broken hose still shooting out gas- steam, a few pipes dripping water. The Away Team cautiously descends until they reach a fork in the road: an airlock passage with a hatch door leading upward, and a corridor that continues. SISKO (to Worf, pointing down the corridor) Commander. Worf nods and moves down the corridor, EXITING. Sisko turns his attention to the hatch. He signals to O'Brien -- "open it." O'Brien climbs the ladder to the hatch as Sisko positions himself to one side, his rifle aimed at the hatch. Dax keeps her phaser pointed the way they came, covering their backs. Using a high-tech hand tool, O'Brien trips the door's lock, then carefully opens it just a crack. We hear the familiar SOUND of the AIRLOCK SEAL being broken, then silence. O'Brien takes a beat before proceeding to open the hatch the rest of the way. Once the hatch door is open, Sisko hands O'Brien a palmlight beacon, so he can peer into the dark shaft. One by one, they ENTER the hatch.