DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Ship" - REV. 07/29/96 - ACT ONE 15 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (re: the hatch) Can you open it, Chief? O'Brien nods as he discovers and pops open a small panel. O'BRIEN I think so. O'Brien works his magic as Worf and the others take up positions with their weapons trained on the hatch. 16 NEW ANGLE to see the massive landing ramp swing up. There's a long tense moment as they peer into the darkness -- expecting Jem'Hadar soldiers to pour out at any moment. But nothing happens. Then, Sisko nods to Worf. SISKO Mister Worf -- take the point. T'Lor -- you stay put. Worf activates the light beacon on his rifle. Worf then ENTERS into the darkness. The others follow. As Muniz and'O'Brien approach the hatch, O'Brien catches Muniz's eye and gives him a confident nod. Muniz EXHALES, bolstered by O'Brien's calm and easy demeanor. Muniz goes in after O'Brien, leaving only T'Lor on the hull, guarding. 17 INT. JEM'HADAR SHIP - CORRIDOR - DAY Worf leads Sisko, Dax, O'Brien and Muniz through the canted, dark corridor. Since the ship is upside down, they are all walking on the ceiling of the ship's corridor. They move cautiously, hugging the walls -- their PALM AND PHASER RIFLE LIGHT BEACONS cut through the dense, SMOKE-FILLED atmosphere.