DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT FIVE 61. 137 CONTINUED: (2) GOWRON (disdainful) Ah, yes. Talk. ODO That's right. Talk. The last thing the Dominion wants. This stops Gowron for a moment. GOWRON I will call a meeting of the High Council. Advise a temporary cease fire. SISKO And where Gowron leads, the Council will follow. Gowron's not so confident. GOWRON Perhaps. (to Sisko) I'll see to it that you're safely delivered back to that space station of yours. SISKO I'd appreciate that. GOWRON You have done a great service to the Empire. For that, I thank you. Gowron looks thoughtfully at Worf. There's still some animosity between them and they both know it. GOWRON (restrained) As for you... you should've killed me when you had the chance. I promise you won't get another. And with that, Gowron EXITS.