DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 133 CLOSE ON GOWRON Who reacts to the sight of his most trusted advisor turning into a mass of flaming protoplasm. 134 NEW ANGLE Sisko lowers his weapon and turns to Odo, who is rising slowly to his feet. Odo looks at Martok's remains. 135 CLOSE ON GOWRON He stares at the remains of the changeling who was impersonating his military Chief of Staff. SISKO Well, it looks like we found our changeling after all. 136 EXT. SPACE - TY'GOKOR (OPTICAL) Time cut. INT. HALL OF WARRIORS Gowron, who has regained his composure, scoops a mug of bloodwine from one of the metal barrels. Sisko, Worf and Odo are standing nearby. Gowron's guards and advisors are all gathered around. The Chancellor's in a good mood, but he makes a point of never looking at or addressing Worf. GOWRON (summing up) So the Founders misled Odo into thinking I was a spy, hoping that you'd eliminate me and pave the way for that... thing imitating Martok to take over the Empire. SISKO That way, the war between the Federation and the Klingons would continue until both sides were destroyed. GOWRON Leaving the Alpha Quadrant wide open for a Dominion invasion.