50:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT FIVE 54. 112 INT. TY'GOKOR - ANOTHER CORRIDOR Two Klingons stand guard over a side entrance to the Hall of Warriors. They stiffen to attention as Martok strides down the corridor, accompanied by Sisko, and the others, who are now armed and make very convincing Klingon soldiers. 113 CLOSE ON MARTOK He doesn't break stride. As he walks up to the guards, pulls out a pair of Klingon knives, and stabs them both simultaneously. Sisko and the others immediately pull out Klingon disruptors. Worf takes out his Mek'leth. Sword in one hand, disruptor in the other, he readies himself for battle. MARTOK (to Worf) For the Empire. Worf nods. The two Klingons understand the importance of the moment. Martok hits a panel and the door slides open. SISKO Let's go. Sisko leads Worf and O'Brien into the room. Odo's the last in line, but Martok places his disruptor against Odo's chest.