194:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 108 CONTINUED: MARTOK But then... he changed. Suddenly he was the one calling for war. O'BRIEN I'd think that would've made you happy. MARTOK At first, it did. But after the war began, he started ignoring the counsel of his generals, throwing aside all wisdom in his pursuit of victory. Our losses continue to mount, and still he listens to no one. ODO No one but the Founders. Martok considers his options for a long beat, then... MARTOK There's only one certain way to expose Gowron for what he really is. To prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a changeling. (with finality) Gowron must die. Odo nods. It's a cruel logic, but it's true. ODO Once he's dead, he will revert to his natural form and eliminate all doubt. WORF (to Martok) You could challenge him to honorable combat. Worf nods. He agrees. But Martok shakes his head. He's not as idealistic as Worf. MARTOK There will be no honorable combat, no formal challenges. I will release you, help you reach the Hall of Warriors, and then you will kill him. Everyone reacts to Martok's decision.