DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT TWO 26. 34 CONTINUED: (2) DAMAR Sir, the holofilter's not working. DUKAT What do you mean it's not working? O'Brien immediately moves to Damar's station. O'BRIEN Let me take a look at it. O'Brien pulls off a panel from Damar's console and goes to work. DAMAR They're repeating the request. O'BRIEN The optronic relays are fused. ODO (to Sisko) Maybe we should have Worf speak to them. WORF I might be able to convince them that... DUKAT (cuts him off) I have a better idea. Dukat goes to the command console and punches a control. 35 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) On the viewscreen, we can see a full spread of photon torpedoes being fired at the other ship. The opposing bird of prey is obliterated, exploding in a ball of fire. 36 CLOSE ON SISKO AND HIS CREW Who react to the destruction.