13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - ACT TWO 17-19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 28 thru OMITTED 29 30 INT. DUKAT'S BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE Sisko ENTERS to find Worf (whose appearance has been somewhat altered as in "SONS OF MOGH"), and faux Klingons Odo and O'Brien waiting for him along with Dukat. DAMAR, Dukat's former executive officer, is seated at the helm. SISKO (to Worf) I see we're all here. WORF (nods) The ship is ready for departure. SISKO (to Dukat) At your convenience, Gul Dukat. But Dukat doesn't rush to give the order. He's too busy happily gazing at Sisko, Odo and O'Brien, who are all vaguely uncomfortable in their Klingon garb. DUKAT Captain, I insist that we make a holographic record of the four of you. Consider it payment in full for the use of my vessel. O'BRIEN Maybe after the mission. DAMAR After the mission you'll all be dead. DUKAT (scolding) Damar. Let's not spoil this special moment with predictions of doom. Even you have to appreciate the audacity of Captain Sisko's plan.