DEEP SPACE NINE: "Apocalypse... " - REV. 07/19/96 - TEASER 5. 13 CONTINUED: They start walking toward Sisko's office. KIRA How was your meeting with Starfleet Command? SISKO I'm afraid the war's not going well. The Klingons are throwing everything they have at us. Starfleet's been able to slow them down, but that's about all. 13A INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko ENTERS, followed by Dax and Kira. KIRA It's hard to believe one changeling could cause so much chaos. DAX He can if he's impersonating the leader of the Klingon Empire. KIRA So is Starfleet going to do something about "Chancellor Gowron" or not? DAX (not enthused) Oh... they're going to do something. Kira looks at Dax and Sisko for more specific information. SISKO Starfleet's sending an infiltration team into Klingon territory. Their orders are to do whatever it takes to prove Gowron's a Shape-shifter. Kira knows that this is probably a suicide mission. KIRA Tough assignment. Who are they sending?