DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 37. 30 CONTINUED: BRATHAW The inspection team just left. KASIDY Any problems? He shakes his head and they're both about to enter the airlock when Sisko's voice stops them. SISKO'S VOICE Kasidy! She turns and sees that Sisko has just ENTERED the Bay. KASIDY (to Brathaw) I'll be right there. Brathaw EXITS to the Xhosa as Kasidy moves out to meet Sisko. This is a tense, awkward scene for them each -- he knows her secret and she's beginning to suspect he knows, but neither of them can come right out and say it. SISKO How was the game? KASIDY Good. Seven - three, Yankees. Sisko nods and smiles, but then hesitates and there's an awkward beat of silence. KASIDY Did you come all the way down here for the score? SISKO No. (beat) I was just thinking... why don't we drop everything and go to Risa. Just the two of us. KASIDY What -- now? SISKO We won't even pack a bag. We'll walk straight out of here, get in a runabout and go.