DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 36. 29 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON Sir, the CFI replicators are due to arrive here tomorrow afternoon. I'd feel better if I were here to supervise the security detail. SISKO Lieutenant Reese can handle it. EDDINGTON Yes, sir he can. But... Eddington casts about for the moment, clearly uncomfortable with something. SISKO Just say it, Commander. EDDINGTON Sir, if the Maquis put up a fight the Xhosa might get caught in the crossfire. If that happens, I can't guarantee the safety of Kasidy Yates. (beat) And to be blunt, I don't want that responsibility. Sisko thinks about that for a moment. SISKO I can't say I blame you. (beat) Security for the CFI replicators is your priority. I'll take command of the Defiant. EDDINGTON Thank you, Captain. Sisko nods and then Eddington EXITS, leaving an unhappy Sisko. CUT TO: 30 INT. CARGO BAY Kasidy is hurrying toward the airlock, where Brathaw is waiting for her. The Xhosa can be seen through the open airlock.