34:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 34. 28 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO It just seemed odd that the Tholians would travel that far for some medical supplies. KASIDY They really needed them. They've got some kind of viral infection on one of their colonies. In fact, I can't stay long -- I'm supposed to make another run tonight. (beat, with a smile) And I promise you can inspect the cargo ahead of time. SISKO That'll make Odo very happy. Jake ENTERS from the Corridor. JAKE (to Kasidy) Hey, you're back. KASIDY Looks like it to me. JAKE Are you guys doing anything right now? I just got a new holosuite program Nog sent me. It's a baseball game between the nineteen sixty-one Yankees and the nineteen seventy-eight Red Sox. KASIDY I'll buy the hot dogs. SISKO I have to pass. I'm due in Ops. And the Yankees will bury them anyway. You two have fun. KASIDY But I'm only here for a few hours... SISKO Duty calls. I'll see you when you get back.