DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT THREE 28. 24 CONTINUED: GARAK Yes... ZIYAL And I was wondering... if you might be... interested in... trying it out with me. GARAK Oh. ZIYAL I mean... we're the only Cardassians on the station, and well... the temperature's too hot for almost anyone else. GARAK I see. Garak isn't sure what to do... he's intrigued and very suspicious at the same time. GARAK When... were you thinking of... ZIYAL Maybe... the day after tomorrow? Say twenty-one hundred? Garak hesitates, then smiles warmly. GARAK I'd be delighted. Ziyal's face lights up with pleasure. ZIYAL Great. I'll see you there. GARAK I look forward to it. She EXITS, and as soon as she does, we see the smile vanish from Garak's face and he looks after her with a dark and suspicious look. CUT TO: