13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 42 INT. SURGERY Quark is lying on the examining table, hooked up to all sorts of medical equipment. Rom ENTERS and looks at his brother, aghast. Quark notices his brother watching at him. QUARK I thought I wasn't allowed to have visitors. ROM Doctor Bashir made an exception. (a small smile) He said you were almost killed. Quark realizes Rom's taking a little perverse pleasure in his plight. QUARK It's nothing to smile about. Those Nausicaans shattered my left eye socket, broke two of my ascending ribs and punctured my lower lung. If Odo hadn't come along when he did... ROM Does it hurt? QUARK Of course it hurts. ROM (without sympathy) Too bad. QUARK If you're going to stand there and gloat, you can leave right now. But Rom doesn't budge. ROM I'm not done gloating.