DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 33 CONTINUED: (2) BRUNT (Cont'd) If you're not back at work by tomorrow morning your financial accounts on Ferenginar will be confiscated, your families fined and your trading permits revoked. (a beat) You'll be ruined... reduced to utter destitution. (smiles) Am I understood? No one answers. BRUNT Good. I thought so. And with that he looks down at Frool... BRUNT Don't bother getting up. And walks out. 34 CLOSE ON ROM AND LEETA As they react to Brunt. GRIMP (kicks Frool) Would you get up? ROM Let him stay there. That's where he belongs. The question is... where do we belong? On our knees, like Frool... (with a slight brogue to mimic O'Brien) ... or standing tall like Sean O'Brien? LEETA (aside, to Rom) Who's Sean O'Brien? ROM He was a Union man. A man who gave his life to earn a decent wage for his fellow workers. Brunt wouldn't have intimidated him, and he won't intimidate me. GRIMP But what about our accounts on Ferenginar?