DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 52 CONTINUED: Kira turns to find Ziyal running up to her holding a Klingon blade. ZIYAL I want to show you something. Ziyal hands Kira the blade. ZIYAL Go ahead. Attack me. Kira is baffled; not sure exactly what Ziyal wants. KIRA What are you talking about? ZIYAL It's okay. I know what I'm doing. Damar showed me a good trick. Try to stab me with the knife -- Kira halfheartedly does as requested. Ziyal parries the thrust with her forearm, spins and grabs Kira's arm in an attempt to flip her over her shoulder. But Kira simply twists her arm away and gently kicks Ziyal's feet from under her. Ziyal ends up on the ground with Kira holding the blade at her neck. ZIYAL I guess it wasn't such a good trick. KIRA The best way to survive a knife fight is to never get into one. ZIYAL If I'm going to help my father, I have to be prepared for anything. (enthusiastic) Show me what you did again. Kira just stands there. ZIYAL Please. I know I have a lot to learn -- I've been practicing with the disruptor rifle... but I need to know how to defend myself in hand-to-hand combat. (almost embarrassed) I was lucky not to have to fight when we boarded this ship.