116:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 48 CONTINUED: Kira, concentrating on her work, notices only that Dukat has arrived, not his mood. KIRA You know something, Dukat... these computer logs are even more valuable than I thought. They contain status reports from Klingon ships and outposts throughout Cardassian space. With information like this, Cardassia could launch a major counterattack against the Klingons. DUKAT They could, but they won't. Kira turns to look at Dukat for the first time. KIRA Why not? DUKAT Because the Detepa Council has something else in mind... they've ordered me not to engage the Klingons in "any further conflict." The Council is looking for a diplomatic solution. (a beat, bitter) They've ordered me back to Cardassia Prime to resume my post as military advisor to the council. Kira is puzzled; Dukat's dejection seems inappropriately severe. KIRA I thought that's what you wanted. DUKAT (still not happy) It was. But what's the point of being the military advisor to a government that won't fight. KIRA You could change their minds. (beat) Try to convince your fellow Cardassians to go on the offensive.