DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) Worf isn't pleased about being rushed, but launches into his business. WORF Major, the Federation has some concerns about your upcoming meeting with the Cardassians. KIRA So do I. WORF There are certain technological advances we have shared with both Bajor and the Klingons that we would prefer to keep out of Cardassian hands. KIRA Such as? WORF Photon torpedo guidance systems, long-range sensors, enhanced warp core overdrives. This is a complete list. Worf hands Kira a PADD. She looks it over. Kira is rather uncomfortable with all this. KIRA I think the Cardassians are going to be a little disappointed. Kira looks queasy. WORF Undoubtedly. KIRA (nauseous) Anything else. WORF No. KIRA Good. I'll be right back. She rushes off before she tosses her lunch. BASHIR (to Worf) I'm glad I'm not going to Cardassia.