DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: BASHIR Nice to know he keeps in touch with his constituents. KIRA (still grousing) It wasn't fair. At that point, I would have said yes to anything. Bashir applies the hypo. Kira sits up and immediately holds her head. BASHIR What is it? KIRA (frightened) I'm seeing spots... BASHIR Big, green, swirling ones? KIRA The size of Alvinian melons. BASHIR And the room is starting to spin? KIRA (panicky) Yes. Bashir smiles. BASHIR Good. Means the vaccine's working. Everything will settle down in a moment. As Kira gets her bearings, WORF ENTERS. WORF (to Kira) May I speak with you? KIRA I'm not going anywhere. Bashir steps up to Kira with another hypo. BASHIR This one might make you a little queasy. (to Worf) If you have something to say to her, you'd better make it fast.